Saif's Achievements
Sadeem Finalist
Saif received an invitation to partake in Sadeem, the largest Arab reality show competition for content creators. Competing against the top 20 Arab social media creators, Saif successfully advanced to the finals of the show, securing an additional accolade for "Most Engaging Content."
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Best social media influencer in Tunisia
Concerning the content shared across various social media platforms, Saif has positioned himself as the premier social media influencer in Tunisia, earning recognition through the Tunisia Digital Awards.
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Winner of Youtube Next up
Organized directly by the YouTube team, Saif, known as "Hor Cujet," was extended an exclusive invitation to spend a week at the YouTube offices alongside other top creators from the MENA region. This opportunity allowed him to actively participate in the YouTube Next Up event, fostering connections with fellow creators and collaborating on content creation tailored for the platform. Saif's outstanding contributions led to him being honored with the prestigious YouTube Next Up award.
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